This is another way of revenue opportunity and monetizing your blog. It's simple (yes, all big ideas are simple, aren't they?): UrbanRead is a news site which offer news widget for your website or blog. In widget you get, you have news titles from their network. And when your visitors clicks the news title from widget and read the news, the ad in the news story page is yours, from your adsense account. So, showing your adsense ad helps you to increase your adsense revenue.
The other opportunity to get revenue is Urbanread Refferal program. When you allowing your friends and visitors to register and use urbanread news widget on their site you get your ads on their news landing page 20% of the time. This feature results in higher number of impressions in your adsense account which means that you'll generate higher earnings. It's very easy to install and use, and, after all, it's free to join!
You can see an example of Urbanread News at left sidebar.
Trend Watch
Monday, 28 May 2007
Offer news and get revenue!
1 komentarji
Saturday, 26 May 2007 is an excellent opportunity for all who want to play with video. There are millions of videos around the net. And magnify is a kind of collector. Through the friendly interface you can collect videos from YouTube to DailyMotion and virtually almost any video web site on the web. You can create your own videochannel for free and share it on your site or almost everywhere on the web.
Revenue sharing opportunity?
AdSense ads 50%-50% and Revver videoshare 50%-50%.
And here's the widget of one of my channels - AdSense Tips:
Monday, 21 May 2007
Senserely is an AdSense revenue sharing community. What they said about site:
Our mission at is to provide a place for honest Google AdSense publishers to legitimately increase their daily earnings. As soon as you register, this basically becomes your website, with your AdSense blocks displayed next to your content, and you'll be able to write articles, reviews, and stories about your knowledge and experience with AdSense or any topic you feel confortable with, as well as read, ask questions, and exchange information with other AdSense publishers. Whether you're an absolute beginner to AdSense or a seasoned online revenues professional, join us (it's easy & free) and become a part of the Senserely community!