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You can share videos, photos and blogs. And more! With Flixya and your AdSense account you can get 100% of ad revenue! Flixya is the only social network that pays you while you're making friends, sharing your favourite videos, pictures and blogs.
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Saturday, 23 June 2007
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Sunday, 10 June 2007
Back to Amazon!
I decided to log in into my old Amazon affiliate account just to see if there is something new (in these widgetize-monetizing days) and I got surprised! They don't sleep! A lot of options: banners, text links, contextual links, complete aStore and, widgets! You can put complete store into widget and copy&paste code wherever you want!
Here's an example:
Complete Amazon aStore: Books about AdSense Secrets
So, as you can see, the biggest internet store still have something to say.
Take a look on implementation of Gadgets aStore at my videochannel Gadgets for geeks, Live music DVDs aStore at Medija and a kind of aStore widget at videochannel Live music.
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Monday, 4 June 2007
Community based search and your revenue
When I surf around the web and investigate for appropriate and interesting widgets for my blog WidgetMania!, (I collect there widgets for sites and blogs), I hit on Swicki, search engine that automatically learns from your community’s search behavior. This search-tagged, widget has big potential from my point of view.
Why? At first, it’s free for everyone (of course, you need a web page), it’s very customizable, you can embed it into your site or blog, whatever, and finally, you can earn from search results. Also, very good possibility is traffic - you can drive traffic to your sites - you create swickies with a lot of keywords (which are relevant to your sites) and add your sites to search results.
Last, but not least, you can add your adsense code(or chitika, or Context.web, or you can suggested advertiser) to your search results. Very impressive, don’t you think?
The easiest way to understand how it works - just click on these few examples bellow. I spent just an hour of my time and I think it worth. (I’ll continue playing with swickies, for shure).
I put swicki on my magnifyed page Famous Video Blogs, in header, as you can see. If you click on one tag/keyword there, let’s say “AskNinja”, you’ll go to search results page, which is customized with my header and my links and, also my adsense publisher code. Great!
Another example is swicki embed here, above Revver video widget, with keywords related to blog monetizing options.
Check out my other swickies:
Net.Animations, and search the best animations on the net;
WidgetMania!, where you can find links to the best widgets;
RevenueSharing, is a search related to all activities about earnings, monetizing you site and sharing revenue;